Type: Climbing
Objective: Muscular Strength / Muscular Endurance / Aerobic Capacity
Warm Up:
• starting at the parking lot from the Boathouse spinning easy (small front chain ring) to the bottom of Harlem Hill
Core Workout:
• watch your time on the bottom of Harlem Hill and count the number of Harlem Hill Loops you can do in 20 minutes
• since your warm-up was short take the first climb up Harlem Hill at modest intensity, before beginning to push hard against the clock
• your optimum intensity is the one you can hold for 20 minutes knowing the terrain without requiring a recovery (likely around 85% of MHR)
• after your 20 minutes, spin one full Loop around Central Park modestly at a intensity of 70% to 75% MHR
• as you come up to the bottom of Harlem Hill again check your watch and begin the send set of 20 minutes of Harlem Hill
• this is a progressive workout, i.e. on the second set of Harlem Hill Loops try to achieve more repeats or at least a few more yards distance than on the first
Cool Down:
• ride back to the starting point easy, spin your legs and gradually bring HR down to 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• can be done in a small group or as individual
• third set of 20 minutes Harlem Hill Loops optional
• be careful as you ride in and out of the West and East Drive; communicate your direction to riders around you
Type: Climbing
Objective: Muscular Strength / Muscular Endurance / Climbing Technique / Aerobic Conditioning
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end
• use small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher and keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• 3 or 4 Loops
• focus is on increasing comfort, endurance and power while climbing out of the saddle
• work on climbing technique and sustainable body position on the bike
• shift to large front chain ring on EACH uphill section of the Loop and ride out of the saddle from the bottom to the top of each incline
• adjust your gear (rear cassette) to perform the standing climbs in the range of 80% and 85% of your MHR
Cool Down:
• one Loop at modest and decreasing intensity
• small front chain ring and cadence of 90 + RPM • stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• a standing climb does not always have to be very high intensity
• going at less intensity will not provide the desired strength benefits
• going too hard will make the workout anaerobic and take away the focus from climbing technique
• increasing strength will add comfort to proper climbing position over time
Type: Climbing
Objective: Muscular Strength / Muscular Endurance /Aerobic Conditioning / Anaerobic Conditioning
Warm Up:
• spin easy to the bottom of Harlem Hill gradually bringing HR up • small front chain ring and cadence of 90 + RPM
Core Workout:
• the core part of this workout is done entirely on the Harlem Hill Loop with alternating intensity each time around back and forth for 50 minutes
• take the first climb on Harlem Hill seated using the small front chain ring spinning a cadence near 80 RPM or higher with target intensity of 80% to 85% of MHR
• as you get back to your second time approaching Harlem Hill stay in the large chain ring and come out of the saddle for an aggressive standing climb with a peak intensity beyond your threshold
• keep alternating between the two approaches for the duration of the workout
Cool Down:
• ride at least half a Loop easy, spin your legs and gradually bring HR down to 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• be careful as you ride in and out of the West and East Drive; communicate
your direction to riders around you
• optional: single leg drills on the traverse between West and East Drive
(Variation to #3)
Type: Climbing
Objective: Muscular Strength / Muscular Endurance /Aerobic Conditioning / Anaerobic Conditioning
Warm Up:
• spin easy to the bottom of Harlem Hill gradually bringing HR up • small front chain ring and cadence of 90 + RPM
Core Workout:
• the workout includes 3 sets of 4 Harlem Hill Loops with alternating intensity followed by a full Loop around the park after each fourth Harlem Hill Loop
• take the first climb on Harlem Hill seated using the small front chain ring spinning a cadence near 80 RPM or higher with target intensity of 80% to 85% of MHR
• take your second approach to Harlem Hill with the large chain ring and come out of the saddle for an aggressive standing climb with a peak intensity beyond your threshold
• keep alternating between the two approaches and go for a full Loop after each fourth Harlem Hill Loop at an intensity of 75% of 80% of MHR
Cool Down:
• ride back to the starting point easy after the third set of Harlem Hill Loops, spin your legs and gradually bring HR down to 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• be careful as you ride in and out of the West and East Drive; communicate
your direction to riders around you
• optional: single leg drills on the traverse between West and East Drive
• at the end of this workout you will have completed 4 Loops and 12 Harlem Hill Loops (including warm up and cool down)
Type: Climbing (progressive sets)
Objective: Muscular Strength / Muscular Endurance / Aerobic Conditioning/ Anaerobic Conditioning
Warm Up:
• spin easy to the bottom of Harlem Hill gradually bringing HR up • small front chain ring and cadence of 90 + RPM
Core Workout:
• 3 sets of Harlem Hill Loops with one full Loop in the park at 70% to 75% in between each
• first set is 6 Harlem Hill Loops, second is 4 and the third is 2
• the Harlem Hill Loops in each set should be progressive in terms of intensity -
check the watch and beat the time on each Harlem Hill Loop
• given that each subsequent set has less Harlem Hill Loop repeats try to beat the fastest time from the last set each time you begin a new set
Cool Down
• ride back to the starting point easy after the third set of Harlem Hill Loops, spin your legs and gradually bring HR down to 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• be careful as you ride in and out of the West and East Drive; communicate
your direction to riders around you
Type: Interval - long
Objective: Aerobic Conditioning / Anaerobic Conditioning / Muscular Strength
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• 4 Loops with _ intensity and _ recovery
• the recovery phase on each Loop is from the South West corner of Central Park to the Carrousel; the remaining part is the “on” interval
• Use both cadence and power to drive intensity on climbs (75 to 80 RPM), flats (100 RPM) and the downhill (100+ RPM) parts of the interval with a target of 80% to 90% of MHR
• Shift early and often to prepare for high cadence (avoid grinding on climbs and shift into large gear on downhill sections - no coasting)
• let HR recover to no less than 65% on the recovery
Cool Down
• ride one Loop easy, spin your legs at cadence of 90+ and gradually bring HR down below 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• the interval is relatively long therefore be prepared for a hard workout
• can be done in a pace line with riders at the same level or individually
Type: Interval - medium
Objective: Aerobic Conditioning / Anaerobic Conditioning / Muscular Strength
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• 4 Loops with _ intensity and _ recovery
• the recovery phase on each Loop is from the Tavern of the Green to the top of Cat Hill; the remaining part is the “on” interval
• Use both cadence and power to drive intensity on climbs (75 to 80 RPM), flats (100 RPM) and the downhill (100+ RPM) parts of the interval with a target of 80% to 90% of MHR
• Shift early and often to prepare for high cadence (avoid grinding on climbs and shift into large gear on downhill sections - no coasting)
• let HR recover to no less than 65% on the recovery
Cool Down
• ride one Loop easy, spin your legs at cadence of 90+ and gradually bring HR down below 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• changing the minimum HR on the recovery to 75% is a variation for advanced riders
• can be done in a pace line with riders at the same level or individually
Type: Interval - short
Objective: Aerobic Conditioning / Anaerobic Conditioning / Muscular Strength
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• three or four Loops with intervals and "Deferred Recovery"
• approach each individual climb on the Loop (Cat Hill, Harlem Hill and the other three climbs coming down on West Drive) with a hard anaerobic effort (85% + MHR) AND maintain 80% to 85% MHR effort from the top of each
climb for 30 seconds without recovery
• shift to larger gears on top of each climb and push away from the peak
• after the 30 to 45 seconds take a brief recovery and return to moderate (75%) intensity on the remaining flats
Cool Down
• ride one Loop easy, spin your legs at cadence of 90+ and gradually bring HR down below 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• can be done in a group or individually
Type: Interval – short (short recovery)
Objective: Aerobic Conditioning / Anaerobic Conditioning / Muscular Strength
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• 3 or 4 Loops with 4-minute (5-minute) “on” intervals and 2-minute (3-minute) recovery
• intensity on the interval is 85% to 90% of MHR
• recoveries are short, manage your breath, check your body position, relax, hydrate and refocus on the next interval
Cool Down
• ride one Loop easy, spin your legs at cadence of 90+ and gradually bring HR down below 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• can be done in a group or individually
• reversing interval and recovery time will create an easier workout; in this case HR should be maintained around 70% in the recovery phases
• since you are going to look at the watch and HR consistently, remain aware of your environment and others around you – SAFETY FIRST
RIDE #10
Type: Base Builder
Objective: Aerobic Conditioning / HR Management / Consistency
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• 4 Loops with a focus on endurance; HR does not exceed 80% of MHR
• zone in at a range of 75% to a maximum of 80% MHR intensity
• use the climbs to practice breathing skills and efficient positioning allowing you to keep HR down ( below 80% as much as possible); going slow is perfectly
• use your gears frequently to maintain consistent effort throughout the changing terrain of the Loop
Cool Down
• ride one Loop easy, spin your legs at cadence of 90+ and gradually bring HR down below 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• an appeal to all “A-type” New Yorkers: keep that heart rate down and resist
the temptation to ride hard!
• sometimes you have to go slower to get faster
• well suited workout for pace-line practicing
• perfect to incorporate stroke training (including single leg drills)
RIDE #11
Type: Base Builder
Objective: Aerobic Conditioning / HR Management / Technical Skills
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• 3 or 5 Loops, each with steady aerobic intensity with alternating levels each Loop
• first Loop: keep intensity at 80% to 85% of MHR; approach climbs in small gears to stay inside the above range
• second Loop: same as above, but with lower intensity at 75%
• repeat above two Loops once or twice and use last one as cool down
• consistency is key, there are no true recovery phases in the workout; use shifting to keep intensity down on the uphill and up on the downhill
• monitor your pedal stroke and practice each phase (down-stroke, pull through the bottom, up-stroke or unloading, push over the top)
Cool Down
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• an appeal to all “A-type” New Yorkers: keep that heart rate down and resist
the temptation to ride hard!
• sometimes you have to go slower to get faster
• well suited workout for pace-line practicing and stroke training
RIDE #12
Type: Progressive Intensity
Objective: Aerobic Conditioning / Anaerobic Conditioning /Muscular Strength
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• 3 Loops with one additional Harlem Hill Loop per Loop
• take the Harlem Hill Loop seated at the first approach and standing at he second one
• progressive intensity:
- first: 75% to 80% average MHR
- second: 80% to 85% average MHR (race intensity)
- third: 85% to 90% average MHR (performance max)
Cool Down
• ride one Loop easy, spin your legs at cadence of 90+ and gradually bring HR down below 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• while this seems to be a short workout, it is one of the hardest since there are
no recovery phases and the last Loop is anaerobic
• be careful as you ride in and out of the West and East Drive on the Harlem Hill Loop; communicate your direction to riders around you
RIDE #13
Type: Progressive Intensity
Objective: Aerobic Conditioning / Anaerobic Conditioning /Muscular Strength
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• 4 Loops
• progressive intensity:
- first: 75% average MHR
- second: 80% average MHR (race intensity of a long race) - third: 85% average MHR (race intensity of a short race)
- forth: 90% average MHR (performance max)
Cool Down
• ride one Loop easy, spin your legs at cadence of 90+ and gradually bring HR down below 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• since there are no recovery phases and the last Loop is anaerobic this workout is extremely challenging
RIDE #14
Type: Race Simulation
Objective: Anaerobic Conditioning / Performance Testing
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• 4 Loops alternating between “consistent” and “aggressive” approach "
• On Loop one practice consistency in your effort:
- keep intensity in the 80% to 85% range of MHR
- use gearing to maintain the above intensity (up and downhill)
- keep cadence up on the climbs (spin the hill)
- no recovery phases
• On the second Loop take a more aggressive approach and attack on each climb leading to anaerobic efforts
- intensity will vary in wider range as hard efforts will demand
recovery phases (take as needed)
• Repeat Loop one and two again
Cool Down
• ride one Loop easy, spin your legs at cadence of 90+ and gradually bring HR down below 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• Riders should time each Loop and compare the times from the aggressive and consistent Loops
• Very likely the differences are small highlighting why it makes sense in Time Trails and Triathlons to ride at a consistent effort (the highest effort one can hold consistently)
RIDE #15
Type: Race Simulation – Time Trial
Objective: Aerobic Conditioning /Anaerobic Conditioning / Performance Testing
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• one to four Loops straight out against the clock
• focus on most efficient effort and HR zone depending on the athlete’s condition • consistency matters
Cool Down
• ride one Loop easy, spin your legs at cadence of 90+ and gradually bring HR down below 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• used for fitness evaluation, progress assessment and as workout in peak
training phase
• performed as individual (no pace line or team ride; no drafting)
• requires for the athlete to have a good grasp of his sustainable effort
RIDE #16
Type: Race Simulation - Criterium
Objective: Anaerobic Conditioning / Performance Testing
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• one to four Loops against the clock and the competition
• perform Time Trial as described in #15 and add 1-minute anaerobic all-out efforts every 4 or 5 minutes
• take recovery only as needed
Cool Down
• ride one Loop easy, spin your legs at cadence of 90+ and gradually bring HR down below 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• a “Criterium” style ride is somewhat similar to a Time Trial, but with the added complexity and need to respond to continuous attacks from other racers
• the workout challenges and builds the anaerobic capacity of the rider and is the hardest of all due to the high base intensity and the peak efforts
RIDE #17
Type: Taper
Objective: Race Preparation
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 70% at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 95 RPM and higher
• keep intensity moderate on hills
Core Workout:
• steady moderate intensity for 30 to 90 minutes with 1-minute intervals at 85% of MHR every 5 minutes
• focus on continuity and efficiency in your pedal stroke with cadence of 90 + RPM and maintain a 70% intensity (except for the interval)
• alternate getting to the desired intensity on the interval between increasing gears and cadence
Cool Down
• ride one Loop easy, spin your legs at cadence of 90+ and gradually bring HR down below 60%
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• holding-back is difficult for many athletes, but highly important on this workout
• athletes should come away from this workout feeling eager and energized
RIDE #18
Type: Recovery
Objective: None, but easy riding
Warm Up:
• one Loop modest intensity building HR up to 60 % at the end • small front chain ring; cadence of 80 RPM and higher
Core Workout:
• 45 to 60 minutes total riding time
• intensity remains below 70% at all times (less is better) • think re-energizing the body and not spending energy
Cool Down
• stretch and refuel off the bike
************************************************************* Comments:
• takes discipline to stay at low intensity