Dallas 1/25
Washington DC 1/31
Chicago 2/09
Los Angeles 2/23
New York City 3/08
Dallas - Training Starts 12/7 - Equinox Highland Park
DC - Training Starts 12/14 - Equinox Sports Club DC
Chicago - Training Starts 1/11 - Equinox The Loop
LA - Training Starts 1/11 - Equinox Downtown LA
NYC - Training Starts 1/25 - Equinox 44th
Two bikes in each city.
Training kicks off 5-6 weeks before the event with a spark event (group ride) at the local Equinox led by Cycle For Survival's original instructor Robert Pennino.
The purpose of the spark rides are to bring Winston employees together for some fun group training while learning about Cycle For Survival and its mission.
Each city will have its own Terrier web page with weekly training, updates and 2 rides a week for employees to enjoy at the own pace.
One ride will offer Terriers digital experience and the 2nd ride will be an outlined workout.
Terrier will answer any questions from Winston employees about training or day of the event logistics.
Manage any in person group training if requested; i.e - group run, general office fit class, additional cycling or fund raising events.
Create friendly competition between cities which can include fund raising & participation awards.
Kicks off additional 2020 fitness programing with running / triathlon / spartan races / muddy buddies, etc.
Ultimately it's all about developing camaraderie & team building and there's no better way than starting 2020 with Cycling For Survival!