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Music Video Sunday

How It Works

Our Sunday 75 minute class can now be done as a run or ride! Since Sunday is a long run for many, we decided to combine the two in class. So, whether you are running outside or on a treadmill, you can turn your long run into a fun, group workout no matter where you are or what pace you are running. Please do not mistake the fun we have, as these rides are tough and specific to build your cycling strength & fitness.

1. Go to YouTube and find your videos, original versions are best.

2. Copy and paste the links in the link below.

3. Links received by Wednesday will be added to the Sunday class.

4. If you do nothear your songs, we will play them the following week.

4. Avoid songs with offensive lyrics. Usually, you can find a "clean" version for most.

5. Sign up and immerse yourself with the music suggestions from your fellow athletes.

6. Spread the word and invite your friends!


Pick Your Video

Music Video Sunday

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